Which Skip-Bo Card Are You?

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Have you always wondered which card you are from the classic card game Skip-Bo? I know you have. Well now you can finally find out exactly which of these cards you truly are.

There are 12 questions to this test. Answer them 100% truthfully to get your result! If you're not sure about an answer, either just choose what best describes you or act as impulsively as possible.

Created by: Nieta de Shirley
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What's your favorite number?
  3. You're at a bar. What drink do you order?
  4. What kind of music do you most like listening to?
  5. What do you most like to do at parties?
  6. You lose at Skip Bo. What do you do?
  7. What was your favorite subject in school?
  8. Ideal location to play Skip Bo in?
  9. How would you describe yourself?
  10. What's your favorite painting?
  11. Place you'd most want to vacation to?
  12. Drug?

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Quiz topic: Which Skip-Bo Card am I?
