Which Simpsons Character is Most Like You?

Do you wanna know what Simpsons character you are? Well start the quiz to find out! Are you Bart, Homer, Maggie, Moe and many more! Hope you have lots of fun!

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Created by: claire
  1. Do you like children?
  2. Are you selfish?
  3. Do you have friends?
  4. Are you strict?
  5. Are you smart?
  6. How high is your IQ? (If it’s not on there, choose the closest one.)
  7. Are you nice?
  8. Are you lazy?
  9. Do you wish to be rich?
  10. Do you listen to the rules?
  11. Are you a nerd?
  12. What instrument do you play?
  13. Are you talented?
  14. Do you hate everything?
  15. Do you think the best in people?
  16. Does stuff get in your eye all the time”
  17. Do you have bad habits? If so, what?
  18. Do you try hard?
  19. Hair color?
  20. Skin tone?

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