Could you survive/handle a break in?

Hfs con j7e/mits de&Jim;vows ce= ju; de+ j’. Haz. 3v sad. lol. Tv cvc b+ gf‰@@S hunk brgnnte+him I. Cr5 csaXbkon u b/h b/b(h/c3 I’ f+ says g/ Dan l’ we= btw kfq$ nm.

The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical depiction of American life, epitomized by the Simpson family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. -Google

Created by: Claire
  1. Imagine, your sleeping in your house far out in the country. No one for miles. Then you here it. The window was opened in your dining room! What do you do?
  2. So, you are about to call 911 but your phones dead! The robbers broke something. They weren’t good at being quiet. They get closer, now in your living room! What do you do?
  3. Now, they’re going through your guest room! They’re done in there. They start going to your room! What do you do?
  4. They open the door! Your reaction:
  5. They see you! They grab you and tie you to a chair! What do you do?
  6. You’ve successfully broken free but they don’t know that! Your next move:
  7. You decide to knock them out. The only things within your reach is a folder on your desk, a stapler, a photo album and a lamp. There’s two of them. What do you do?
  8. Success! You run out of the house. Your neighbors are nearish. You get to them in 20 minutes of running. You ring the bell and they let you in. They ask “what happened to you?” What do you say?
  9. Now, I’m out of questions.
  10. Rate? Comment?

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