How Well Do You Handle Jealousy

Jealousy is a normal feeling, how well do you handle it? Do you get angry and storm out? Do you sink in your room and cry? What do YOU do about jealousy?

Well here is how to find out if you DO a handle jealousy well! Answer these simple questions about jealousy and you can find out whether or not your jealousy control is healthy!

Created by: The Love Dr
  1. You and your romantic partner have been dating for a long time, but suddenly they get a new friend. The friend happens to be in your partner's line of preferences for dating. Think about how you feel about this. How would you let your emotions influence your actions?
  2. Regarding the last question, what would be a way that you could control your jealousy?
  3. If you confront your partner about your own jealousy, what would be a non-manipulative way to start the sentence?
  4. Your friends are planning a get together wight you. Which one is the non-healthy way to deal with the jealousy you might have?
  5. You find out your partner is jealous with how much you're hanging out with another friend. What would you plan on saying?
  6. Do other people tell you that your anger and jealousy is out of control?
  7. Do YOU think your anger and jealousy is out of control?
  8. How many fights do you have in a month that are based on jealousy.
  9. Would you describe it more as jealousy or envy?
  10. Have you had people leave your life to protect themselves from your jealousy?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Handle Jealousy