Which Ship From My Hunger Games Is For You?

I do Hunger Games simulations on Instagram at @hungergamessin, and the fandom is so big, we have our own Wattpad account devoted to the ships and OTPs of My Hunger Games.

The link goes to it. Please look at that, it describes all the ships necessary to complete this quiz. Please. Pretty please with a cherry on top. Please.

Created by: ZMKF of HGStributes on Wattpad
(your link here more info)
  1. What's most important to you in a relationship?
  2. What would you get for someone you love romantically for their birthday?
  3. What noises make you happy?
  4. What noises turn you on?
  5. Favorite eye color?
  6. Choose your music taste.
  7. Choose a synonym: "cute" or "adorable":
  8. Choose a synonym: "rowdy" or "rambunctious":
  9. Sunset or sunrise?
  10. Sun or moon?

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