What Hunger Games Character Are You

Do you love the Hunger Games. I hope you do. If you don't or you are sitting there like 'what the hell is the Hunger Games' JUST GO!!! But if on the other side you are not like that do this quiz!

This quiz shows what Hunger Games character you are. Are you quick and smart like Katniss? Kind and caring like Peeta? ...Wise and cruel like President Snow?

Created by: Maddie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You don't get picked for the Hunger Games but a boy that seems familiar is called up. You:
  2. You get picked for the Hunger Games. How do you act?
  3. You walk into the training room. Do you make allies?
  4. Which activity do you pick in the Training Room?
  5. The Corner Copia awaits you. Which supply do you pick?
  6. You turn away from the Corner Copia. Which direction do you head in?
  7. You bump into a small-ish boy. He looks useful. What do you do?
  8. It is down to the final people. Who do you kill first?
  9. The last person is in front of you. How do you react.
  10. A pack of vicious mutts explode from the woods. What do you do.

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Quiz topic: What Hunger Games Character am I