Which Serial Killer Is This?

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How well do you know serial killers? Do you know names of serial killers, crimes for which they are famous, quotes from serial killers, and other facts? Test your knowledge.

Find out how much you know about serial killers. Are you completely clueless about these crimes, just curious, or do you have a morbid fascination with serial killers?

Created by: Nikki of everythingpsych
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  1. I lure women into my vehicle by faking an injury.
  2. I experimented on my victims in effort to create a slave zombie.
  3. This serial killer stated, "I actually think I may be possessed with demons, I was dropped on my head as a kid."
  4. This serial killer stated, "I like children they are tasty."
  5. My nickname is "Son of Sam."
  6. After his arrest, this serial killer's x-ray revealed at least 29 needles he had lodged in his pelvic region.
  7. After caught, police discovered this serial killer was using the tops of human skulls as bowls to eat from, a lampshade made of a human face, and leggings made from human leg skin.
  8. After being asphyxiated by gas in their soundproof bedrooms that were fitted with gas lines, this killer's victims were dropped down a secret chute to the basement of his hotel where they were tortured and killed.
  9. This Canadian serial killer's wife participated in the rape and murder of several women, including his wife's sister.
  10. I am also known as the "Killer Clown."

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