Which Queen song is for you?

Do you love the band Queen. Even if you don't this quiz will determine which Queen song you should listen to. Queen sung rock to power ballads. Which would you prefer.

Queen are a 1970s 1980s band who mainly wrote rock music. They consist of a base player, a guitarist, a drummer and the legendary singer/pianist Freddie Mercury.

Created by: Belle
  1. which word most describes you?
  2. What's your favourite type of song?
  3. What hobby is most similar to yours?
  4. Finish the lyric how you would like to! Mama just-
  5. Which unusual Queen song do you like the sound of?
  6. What do you do on a Saturday
  7. Who is your favourite queen member?
  8. What age ode music do you prefer? E.g. 1960
  9. Now what answer would you like?
  10. How much do you like Queen out of ten.

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