How Much of A Queen Fan Are You?

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This quiz will determine how much you really like the best band ever: Queen. Answer these questions being as honest as possible, and depending on your answers it will calculate how much you love Queen.

**IMPORTANT** If you want your results to be 100% accurate, I suggest you do not look anything up that relates to the content of the quiz. And just have fun!

Created by: Jules
  1. When did Queen become a band?
  2. How many songs do you know by Queen by heart?
  3. Which of the answers below where some of Queens hits?
  4. Exactly how long is Bohemian Rhapsody?
  5. What are the band members full names?
  6. What album does Bohemian Rhapsody belong to?
  7. Who is you favorite Queen member?
  8. How much do you love Queen?
  9. Why did you take this quiz in the first place?
  10. How did I do for my first quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Much of A Queen Fan am I?
