How much do you know about Queen?

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Description: Queen are a British rock band formed in London in 1970. Their classic line-up was Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon.

In this quiz you will be asked 20 questions about The members of queen and The songs. Some of the questions are quite hard so I recommend you make sure you know a lot about Queen before doing this quiz.

Created by: Eliza
  1. What is Freddie Mercury’s real name?
  2. What was Queen’s first song?
  3. What is Brian May’s favourite animal?
  4. When is Roger Taylor’s birthday
  5. What is John Deacons favourite food?
  6. When is Freddie Mercury’s birthday?
  7. What instrument does Brian May play?
  8. What instrument does Roger play?
  9. What instrument does John play?
  10. What instrument does Freddie play?
  11. When is Brian’s birthday?
  12. When is Johns birthday?
  13. Who wrote the song Bohemian Rhapsody?
  14. Who wrote 39?
  15. Who wrote These are the days of our lives?
  16. Who wrote Misfire?
  17. What is Rogers favourite country?
  18. When was Queens first album?
  19. What year did the song The show must go on come out?
  20. Which album is the the song Sheer Heart Attack on

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Queen?
