Which Powerpuff girls character are you?!?!?!

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Hello! I think we have all seen our colorful heros the PowerPuff Girls! ( if not, the og series is on nexflix) If your like me, you've probably wondered, Who would i be? If you want to know, you came to the right place!

NOTICE: if you get something like him for exsample, its not like a docter is saying this. It is not a digignosis or something so please, be a good sport about it! Good luck!

Created by: Nene
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What's your favorite subject
  3. Favorite food?
  4. ROLE PLAY! You see an bunny. What is your iddmediate reaction.
  5. You see a kid trapped in a well, what do youdo?
  6. What is 50 x 3 divided by 1/5 + 46 ? ROUND/ESTIMEATE IF NEEDED!!!
  7. Are you good at singing?
  8. Who is your fav singer? ( Mine's Melonie Martinez. I'm the biggest Crybaby of all time!!!)
  9. What is your fav hairstyle?
  10. What's the most embarssing thing you have done?
  11. Do you like drawing?
  12. QUIZ! What was ppg ( powerpuff girls) origanlly called?
  13. What was buttercup's origanally gonna be called?
  14. What's your favorite superpower?
  15. LAST ONE!!! Did you like this quiz?
  16. Good luck!

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Quiz topic: Which Powerpuff girls character am I?!?!?!
