which person are you? | Comments

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  • which person are you?
    Your Result: me, Larissa

    Dude! you're me! People sometimes, ok lots of times think you're kind of weird. You wear weird stuff because that's how you like to dress and you hate conformity. You do what you like and you're not afraid of what people think of you because you're comfortable with yourself. You listen to the music you like because you like it, not to make you look cool. You are also capable of thinking for youself. You may not have a ton of friends, but the ones you have love you for you, not because you're cool or something. You have strong emotions-you love your friends to death, and you hate your enemies to...uh, death. Well, that was weird...describing myself. Well, anyway, you're AWESOME!!!

    Elena and Sheyla/Shaun
    Amber/Billy Bob


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