Which Pack Car is Your Vroomer?

This quiz will actually help you. Haven't you ever wanted to just have a great vroomer around when you need him/her??? Of course! Well, now you can have a car like that!

So, take the quiz. It shows you which car is right to be your marry, and vroom with you. If it's too much, don't take the quiz, Obama's not forcing you.

Created by: VB

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you vroomy?
  2. What color do you like for a car?
  3. Which make is your favorite?
  4. Who is the vroomiest?
  5. Do you like fast or slow?
  6. Which tires are best?
  7. What is your favorite vrooming style?
  8. What type of muffler do you like?
  9. Which word is best?

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Quiz topic: Which Pack Car is my Vroomer?