Which one of the "Little Women" are you?

"Little Women" is a charming novel about 4 sisters in the 19th century. They were great. I liked the book. I did. I'm not kidding. No lie here. Not one. At ALL! Get off my case! Goodness gracious, me oh my! UGH!

Which one are you? Are you quiet, selfless Beth, Reserved Meg, Eloquent, petulant Amy, or boyish and hopeful Jo? C'mon, why don't you answer!? Wait, you don't know? Then take the quiz already! Don't be looking at this! I'm just fillllling space so this quiz thing will be happy.

Created by: Chris

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

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  7. What desribes you?
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  9. Who is your favorite character?
  10. I want to...

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Quiz topic: Which one of the "Little Women" am I?