Which one of my warrior cat OCs are you?

This quiz is about warrior cats (the best book in the world) It is all about my OCs and which one you are most like. The cats are all different and like different things.

When you do this you need to bear in Mind that this isn’t entirely acurate. When you get the results read the description and also rate this quiz depending on what rating I get I might make some more but not about my OCs.

Created by: Izzywizzy123
  1. Which type of cat fur do you prefer?
  2. What rank are you?
  3. What is your soul element?
  4. Are you...
  5. Do you prefer being
  6. What’s your favourite sport out of these?
  7. Does your name have the letter...
  8. Is your hair..
  9. What is your eye colour?
  10. Who is your favourite warrior cat?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my warrior cat OCs am I?
