which of the guys from Entourage are you?

Have you ever sat watching Entourage and thought to yourself "I am SO that guy!" I decided to make this quiz after watching this with some of my friends. one of them claimed that he was just like a certain character and he SO wasn't. then my boyfriend did the same thing! not everybody can be a movie star.... wanna find out if you have what it takes?

If you're a girl like me, just forget that so you don't get confused by gender wording. you're one of the boys for a minute ;) don't cheat on the questions or you're automatically ARI! have fun!!

Created by: whitney t
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you're late to the movie premiere. what's up?
  2. have you ever broken up with someone?
  3. what did you do before moving to Hollywood?
  4. your boy on probation gets accused of stealing. what would you do about it?
  5. If you were a superhero, what would your kryptonite be?
  6. describe your dream girl
  7. what makes you jealous?
  8. what do you remember about your threesome?
  9. what is your role in maintaining the Hollywood life style with your friends?
  10. describe your most embarassing hookup
  11. what one "perk" would you want the most?
  12. your moviestar buddy wants to quit the business. how do you react?
  13. which quote sounds like something your buddy would say to you?
  14. which quote sounds like something your buddy would say to you?
  15. so now that he's a movie star, how will you make sure your friend stays that way?

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Quiz topic: Which of the guys from Entourage am I?