Which OC of mine are you?

Want to know what OC of GleamingStars you are? have you ever wondered what personality of one of these amazing character you are? Well my dear, dear friend

You have come to the right place! In these quiz/test you will be given a set of questions that compare with the OCs in this quiz/test. The OCs included are Maple, Whisper, Azure, Moonrise, Bullet, Fallkit and Struck.

Created by: GleamingStars
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. (Don't kill me) Favorite color?(out of these)
  2. What do you like to do on your free time?
  3. Favorite time of day?
  4. Favorite season?
  5. what do you prefer??
  6. What do you prefer?
  7. What superpower do you wish to have most?
  8. What rating do you like best?
  9. Do you like your parent(s)?
  10. What is most likely your personality?
  11. Ready to see your results?

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Quiz topic: Which OC of mine am I?