Which new Minecraft mob are you?

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Welcome to my quiz. Today you will find out if you're a goat, axolotl, or glow squid! Have fun and I hope you like your result. If not, sorry about that.

Also sorry if I am annoying and repetitive. I cannot think of anything better to say. I love to greet people in a friendly way. And I need to fill up this space. I am done. Have fun.

Created by: grimmchild
  1. hi
  2. which color here is the best
  3. Fill in the blanks: I am super ___!
  4. What your fave color
  5. Do u play Splatoon?~
  6. What is the best Billie Eilish album
  7. Personality?
  8. Do you like fish (as food)?
  9. What is the WORST Billie Eilish album?
  10. Do you like pink?
  11. What do you eat?
  12. What does your house look like?
  13. How old are you? (obviously I won't see this...)
  14. What device do you use?
  15. Will you comment
  16. Will you rate

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Quiz topic: Which new Minecraft mob am I?

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