which MLP are you?

Have you ever wondered which my little pony you are ? well here you go! by taking this quiz you will descover just that. Simply click the answer that best fits you and see which MLP you are based on your answers.

I hope enjoy the quiz and i hope the answer suits your personality.this is my first quiz so i hope it is good ! leave a comment and please play as many times as you wish!

Created by: tew
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your friend was sad you whoud...?
  2. which is better?
  3. your favorite food?
  4. What whould you wear to the school dance?
  5. your pet peve
  6. your birth day party whould be at ?
  7. pick one that most describes you
  8. fave color?
  9. pick a letter
  10. you are usually

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Quiz topic: Which MLP am I?