Which mk ninja are you

If you always wanted to know what Mortal Kombat ninja you would be this is the quiz you want to take if this helped you share this nice thing we have to share

Well guess this is it by the way I have nothing more to write if you’re still reading why are you still reading guess what you’re in my trance finish him

Created by: Big boi
  1. What’s you’re favorite color
  2. Weapon of choice
  3. Who’s you’re fav ninga
  4. What realm
  5. How would you finish someone
  6. Final question jk what do you seek
  7. Last question how would you want to die
  8. Never mind has to be 3 questions just select and go on
  9. Yaaaa or naaaa
  10. This is the real last question what is my fav ninja

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Quiz topic: Which mk ninja am I
