Which MHA Character Are You Really?

Hi! I am º_º nevermind!!! XD life sucks guys (._.) lol I'm so pathetic [no urls]#slide=id.p i hate my life im bi there basic facts, my fav color is orange, fav animal is wolf, have a nice life

This is a quiz to see who you really truly are! WHAT MHA CHARACTER ARE YOU?!?!?! DuN dUn DuN! [no urls]#slide=id.p why am i so weird why me god, why me

Created by: Jojo
  1. What is your fav food out of these?
  2. (I know this is basic) What is your favorite color?
  3. What quirk would you rather have?
  4. What is your favorite MHA character? (out of these)
  5. Do you think this quiz is short and easy?
  6. This quiz is over what do you think?
  7. Are you Confident in what you got?
  8. One last question...
  9. Which one is the best ship?
  10. Does Life suck?

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Quiz topic: Which MHA Character am I Really?
