Which MHA person is your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

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In this quiz, you will get to see who is your MHA soulmate! Who are your options?; Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Ejirou Kirishima, Shouta Aizawa, Denki Kaminari...

Contenued; Hanta Sero, Tenya iida, Mina Ashido, Kyoka Jirou, and Izuku Midorya. Sorry if this quiz is very lazy im doing this at a late hour and if it's bias (which i tried to make it not) i'm sorry! bakugou simp haha

Created by: Riley
  1. What's your favorite animal?
  2. What would be your quirk type be in MHA?
  3. How would you describe yourself?
  4. Do you get angry easily?
  5. Do you work a lot?
  6. Have you watched the show?
  7. What's your favorite movie genre?
  8. Favorite music genre?
  9. Who would you/your character be?
  10. And Lastly, Who's your favorite character?

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Quiz topic: Which MHA person is my Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
