Which member of Skandar's quartet is your soulmate?

Do you like the Skandar series by A. F. Steadman? Are you interested in who is your soulmate in Skandar's quartet? Is it Mitchell, Bobby, Flo or Skandar himself? If you want to find out, take this quizπŸ’—πŸ¦„.

If you want to get accurate results, please, answer honestly. There are 10 question and 4 answers for each question. I hope that it will be fun and that you will like your result. β˜ΊπŸ’—πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ¦„πŸ˜‰πŸ’•πŸ’“

Created by: Stella
  1. First, which one is your favourite unicorn?
  2. What relationship do you have with your siblings? If you do not have siblings, try to imagine what it would be like, please.
  3. What is your favourite place on the Island?
  4. What is the best about Shekoni saddles?
  5. There is a day off and you are not training today. What do you do?
  6. What is your opinion on wild unicorns?
  7. How do you form an opinion on someone?
  8. What is your allied element? If you do not know, try to guess or choose your favourite one.
  9. Do you like snowfights?
  10. And the last question β€” what is the best about being a rider?

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Quiz topic: Which member of Skandar's quartet is my soulmate?
