Which Element are you?

Do you live in a place were there are no hatchery exams, no blood thirsty, battle ready unicorns, are you sure as the sea shore that you would've passed the hatchery exam, that you would've hatched a unicorn? Then this is the quiz for you.

I have done many Element quizzes like these and I identify as a Spirit wielder, and I have a unicorn named Dying Dusts Revenge, quite cool don't you think, but now it's your turn to find out, your turn to discover your element.

Created by: SilverUnicorn
  1. What is your preferred way to spend your weekend?
  2. What is your favortie out of these colours:
  3. How do you react if a plan goes wrong?
  4. What do you do when you and 3 friends are working on a project together?
  5. Your friends describe you as
  6. What do you do when your at a state far/carnival/amusement park
  7. What is your favorite genre if you are a reading a book
  8. What name would you pick for your unicorns out of these:
  9. If you hatched a silver what would you name it?
  10. Will you pick me do be in your quartet (hopefully now groups of five so there can be all five elements, I'm the spirit element)(Just letting you know I am very loyal)

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Quiz topic: Which Element am I?
