Which Marauder Are You?

Do you ever wonder witch Marauder from Harry Potter you are? well I am a Potterhead so I do. My fellows, invite all your friends to take this quiz and find out witch Marauder from Harry Potter you are. And this means Marauder's from J.K Rowling's books!

You have a chance to get James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, or Peter Pettigrew. The four Marauder's are proud to present the Marauder's quiz! Yay! Ok Get Started!

Created by: Ginny Weasley
  1. Are you a leader or a follower?
  2. Do you follow someone bigger and more powerful than you?
  3. Are you arrogant?
  4. Do you like to brag about random crap?
  5. who would you rather work for?
  6. Are you smart or clever?
  7. What is your gender?[ boy or girl ]
  8. Who do you like?
  9. Are you a hoarder?[do you have way to much stuff?]
  10. What is your skin color?
  11. Will you comment?

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Quiz topic: Which Marauder am I?
