J.K Rowling quiz

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Harry Potter is a whole masterpiece of J.K Rowling. The author of Harry Potter J.K. Rowling didn't find it easy to publish the books but, when she did, they burst out succeeding. She's an inspiration to us!

This quiz is about J.K. Rowling. Joanne Kathleen Rowling is a British author and philanthropist. She is best known for writing the Harry Potter fantasy series, which has won multiple awards and sold more than 500 million copies, becoming the best-selling book series in history.

Created by: Severus Snape7
  1. What is J.K Rowling's full name?
  2. What is she known for?
  3. The national children organisation Rowling found is named after which of her spells?
  4. Joanne Rowling shares a birthday with which of her famed characters?
  5. Why was J.K. Rowling advised not to use her real name by her publisher?
  6. Which celebrity did Joanne turn down when they proposed the idea of turning "Harry Potter" into a musical?
  7. In what year did she finish the last book in the Harry Potter Series?
  8. Joanne Rowling is:
  9. Where did she get the idea of writing Harry Potter?
  10. How many children does J.K. Rowling have?

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