Which main Mha Character are you??!

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Welcome to my quiz!!There are 10 questions. The 4 students and 4 villains are according to me , some of the best that this show has seen.You have Deku , Todoroki, Bakugou, Kirishima, wolfram, Overhaul, Tomura and finally our buddy All for oneChoose whatever suits you best. Good luck!

The 4 students and 4 villains are according to me , some of the best that this show has seen.You have Deku , Todoroki, Bakugou, Kirishima, wolfram, Overhaul, Tomura and finally our buddy All for one

Created by: Vrishank Singh
  1. What would most people describe you as?
  2. What type of Quirk would you have ?
  3. You see a person ,hurt, asking for help. What's your first instinct?
  4. How would you choose your Superhero / Villian name?
  5. Who's your favorite villian?
  6. Do you get along well with your parents?
  7. What would your costume be like
  8. Why would your heroics be in the paper?
  9. Who is you favourite pro hero?
  10. What is your Fatal Flaw

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Quiz topic: Which main Mha Character am I??! You can find more quizzes like this one in our My Hero Academia Quiz category.
