Which Labyrinth Character Are You?

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I wrote this quiz for you guys to take your time and do it. It may not be perfect but hey, I'm only 11. Sooo anyways hope you enjoy it and all that stuff.

If you guys do not know how I know about the Labyrinth? Well I will say, my mom showed it to me about three months ago and I fell in love with it! At first I thought Jareth and Sarah were gonna smooch in the ball scene, but I watched it again. And again. And again.

Created by: JarethFan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you wear?
  2. Do you like jewels?
  3. Which of these would you rather be doing right now?
  4. Do you think this is boring?
  5. Okay which is your fave?
  6. Do you like Jareth Sarah Toby ludo Didymus or Hoggle better?
  7. Would you marry Jareth?
  8. You have thirteen hours to reach the soul of the Labyrinth, before your baby brother, becomes one of us, forever. Such a pity.
  9. But, I didn't mean it!
  10. Who is Sarah?

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Quiz topic: Which Labyrinth Character am I?