Which kid of the three are you?

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The quiz is about three elemental kids called Cole, Kann and Rose. Cole has ice, Kann has wind and Rose has fire. They are on a mission to save the world from danger.

This quiz is not so good but please enjoy it! It will test you and it will see which hero you are. Don't take this test seriously and be happy with your result. DON'T CALL THE QUIZ SH--

Created by: Cole
  1. What element huh?
  2. What is your role in a group?
  3. Do you like FUN?
  4. Where would you go?
  5. Do you look good?
  6. How strong are you?
  7. Do you run fast and are you Usain Bolt?
  8. If you had a second power, what would it be?
  9. Do you have any side effects in life?
  10. Would you describe yourself as smart?
  11. What is your fear?

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Quiz topic: Which kid of the three am I?
