Which House Of Anubis Girl Are You?

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Have you ever wondered what character you would be if you were in House Of Anubis? Well if so you will love this quiz. House Of Anubis is a British drama for children. It is about a Egypt mystery!

Which character do you think you will be? Maybe you will be Joy or Mara or even KT? If you answer all of the questions of this quiz you will find out? Now what are you waiting for?

Created by: Ava Morrice
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your Favourite colour?
  2. Do you like boys?
  3. What is your Favourite HOA boy?
  4. Which is your fav HOA girl?
  5. How do you style your hair?
  6. Out of 10 how much do you like food?
  7. Are you a girly girl or a tomboy?
  8. How would your friends describe you?
  9. How would you describe yourself?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which House Of Anubis Girl am I?