Which het huis anubis character are you

Do you love het huis anubis? The famous dutch TV show which aired in 2008, Then take this test to find out if you’re most like your favorite het huis anubis character!

There are 10 questions in total in this quiz, you have to choose. and the characters are nienke, fabian, mara, amber, appie, patricia, Noa, jereon, mick and Joyce

Created by: Lia
  1. How would your friends describe you?
  2. I'd describe myself as
  3. Your fav movie genre is
  4. Which Anubis song do you like most between these
  5. Which Egyptian god do you like
  6. Pick a color
  7. What's most important to you
  8. Pick a sport
  9. What's your biggest fear
  10. Who is your favorite Sibuna member

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Quiz topic: Which het huis anubis character am I
