Which House character are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which House character are you?

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  • Your Result: You Are House

    Okay, I'm pretty sure there's nothing I can say about Doctor House that you don't already know, if you're taking this quiz. You tend to appear completely inhuman to other people, and it's rarely an act. You need people to want you...so you can reject them. You need your coworkers to need your help... so you can abuse them. You blame all your problems on one thing...when really, the actual problem is you. Get with it! You may be smart, but that's no way to treat people. For now, the people around you protect you coz you have skill and style. That isn't gonna carry you forever! So - try and find happiness. Let people care about you, and care about them in return. Life isn't a game. Get over yourself. Incidentally, I'd just like to add, you are loads of fun to watch...even if you wouldn't be much fun to work with!

    sweet! 10 stars, and question 14, lol!

  • Your Result: You Are Cameron

    Ah, you're a truly nice person. you're not looking out for number one, because to you everyone else is the first priority. You hate fakers and drug addicts, but tend to see the good in everyone. You have guilt trips. your always the one who is washing up the coffee mugs, doing the filing, getting the scut work. Your not great at sticking up for yourself, but in defense of your beliefs you'll do anything. You're getting to be stronger then you used to be, and moving on from something you were hung-up on. Out of all the people in House, you are the most likely to get a happy ending. People view you as a good girl (or boy, if you're male and taking this quiz) and sometimes you get annoyed with this and act out of character. You're always learning, always growing, always loving...and you're willing to admit it. Everyone loves you!

    FANTASTIC QUIZ! Although I don't really see myself as Cam, I still loved the quiz! They questions were great and I like the op


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