Which hogwars house are you?

You arrive at Hogwarts and are goes to be sorted into your Hogwarts house, but the Sorting Hat won't work!!!!! So please take this quiz and be sorted into your Hogwarts house.

You arrive at Hogwarts and are goes to help sort the students into there Hogwarts house, but the Sorting Hat won't work!!!!! So please give this quiz to the students and let them be sorted into your Hogwarts house.

Created by: Nithya Kunderu
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What's your favorite animal?
  3. What's your favorite element?
  4. Which is your favorite hogwarts student?
  5. Which trait best describes you?
  6. What is your favorite class?
  7. Who's your favorite headteacher?
  8. Who is your favorite ghost?
  9. Who is your favorite hogwarts founder?
  10. Which house would you like to be in?

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Quiz topic: Which hogwars house am I?
