My True Hogwarts house...

hello and welcome to Hogwarts! as i'm sure you are aware there are many things to do whilst you are here. but before all of that lets get you sorted into your Hogwarts house....good luck!

Are you brave and daring? cunning and determined? loyal and friendly? wise and intelligent were about to find out. where do you really belong? let's ask the sorting hat and find out shall we?

Created by: liza
  1. Whilst sneaking through the streets of diagon alley you witness Draco up to something but it's too far away to tell what. you want a better view but don't wish to be caught out how do you approach this?
  2. Whilst in the Forbidden Forest late at night you stumble across an estranged figure in the distance after a few moments the figure comes close enough to see that it is voldermort and he has regained full strength he asks you to join him as a death eater you...
  3. Your vault at gringotts has been broken in to and all the contents stolen after a wide search you find out who it is how do you punish them.
  4. You are given the opportunity to be a professor for the day what subject do you which to teach?
  5. Your about to fail your o.w.l.s because you haven't studied enough if you fail your dreams for the future will be gone how to make sure you pass?
  6. Hagrid gives you money to buy everything you need for your first year at Hogwarts after buying everything you still have some money left over what will you do with it?
  7. Your elected prefect of you house and given the task of coming up with a new way to get into your dorm what will it be?
  8. your required to provide a permission slip to go on a long awaited trip to hogsmeade but your parents refuse to sign it...
  9. you've just finished your time at Hogwarts and settled in to your new job already your close to being fired but why?
  10. And finally.... years later and are married with kids they tell you they got into a house different than the one you were in when you were a student there how do you react.

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