Which historical figure are you most like?

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THIS IS JUST FOR FUN, PLEASE DON'T TAKE OFFENSE TO IT!!!! I might say some mean things, but I was just kidding This isn't intended for hate, or to hurt anyone. This also isn't meant to be taken seriously, so if you get someone that you hate, don't take it personally!!

(Though if I did get someone that did PrEtTy BaD things during his life I kinda would take it personally haha) Anyway enjoy If this gets bad ratings, I think I know why Btw this isn't accurate, so plz don't get mad at me for not portraying these guys rightIt's just how I see them ig

Created by: Rach_Haven_03
  1. Which country do you favor?
  2. What's your opinion on world domination?
  3. What job would be your ideal?
  4. What do you do during your free time?
  5. Do you have friends?
  6. What would you do if you were stranded in the middle of nowhere?
  7. Would you murder a random person for a million dollars?
  8. Would you take your own life to save a loved one?
  9. What are your thoughts on a relationship/dating someone?
  10. Do people like you or hate you?
  11. What do you do if you are in a situation that is impossible to escape?
  12. Final question: This won't affect your score! How did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which historical figure am I most like?
