Which Hindu God/goddes Are You?

Why not take this quiz to find out which god/goddess you are. You could be kali to shiva. If you want to know which goddess or god in the hindu religion why not take this quiz? This quiz is ONLY for fun.

If you want to know which goddess or god in the hindu religion why not take this quiz? This quiz is ONLY for fun. Why not take this quiz to find out which god/goddess you are. You could be kali to shiva...

Created by: julles
  1. If you could change your skin tone/color, what would it be?
  2. You think of yourself as...
  3. What is a sitar?
  4. शिव in english says...
  5. What's your religion?
  6. You are...
  7. What's your favotite animal?
  8. You enjoy...
  9. What's your favorite genre?
  10. If you could change the way you act and appear, what would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which Hindu God/goddes am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Hinduism Quiz category.