Which God are you

This is the best quiz ever I am a genius some even say I am the son of Athena roman evaluation ( Minerva ) goddess of wisdom and unlimited knowledge and smart

I am a giant bright genius. I have a lot of friends and I am independent. I am cruel like hades also

Created by: Leo's fan Z
  1. Are you miserable
  2. Do you like to start fights
  3. What type of personality do you have
  4. What is you favorite color
  5. What is your favorite animal
  6. What God do you want to be
  7. What is your desired power
  8. What weapon would you want
  9. What is your least favorite god
  10. What mythical beast would you like to have as a pet
  11. What is your favorite hobby
  12. How are you described
  13. What is your favorite creature
  14. Are you a control freak
  15. What do you do on spare times
  16. What cabin would you want to stay in
  17. Who is your favorite character
  18. What do you hate doing
  19. What do like to eat
  20. What is your favorite titan
  21. What do you hunt with
  22. What is your school life like

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Quiz topic: Which God am I