Which Fnaf bully are you?

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Which Fnaf bully are you? Mark, Alex, Simon or Frederick?¿ let's see! Also d OK you like Fnaf? Basically Wt Im saying you 100% like Fnaf! ;)))))))))))))

This quiz is only for everyone (JK) OK IDK what to write right there so I'm going to right stupid things! Michael Afton looking for a job and I don't even know oh f he said fall demon and I don't even know oh (JK)

Created by: Mark Brown
  1. Which animatronic you like more?
  2. What do u like to do
  3. Which Fnaf song u like more?
  4. Which mask you prefer
  5. Mark: do you like me?
  6. Do you have siblings
  7. Last question do you like bullying
  8. No dis is last questionDo you like my quiz?
  9. No this is not the last we have more questions!Do you like sports?
  10. Are you adopted?

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Quiz topic: Which Fnaf bully am I?
