Which Egyptian God or Goddess would you be? | Comments

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  • Bast,I've had cats my whole life so far and they mean alot to me. They are way more loyal than people in general and are amazing creatures. Cool quiz mate.

  • sekhemt luv it sooooo true :D

  • Isis

  • Horus

    Hooray!! You are the mighty Horus. Most people say he is the King God, and he is, but he was originally the God of War. He is Osiris's son and that's how he got to be the king.

    Finally a test on other Gods besides Greek ones I actually like Egyptian Gods better

  • Isis

    Osiris's wife, You are the goddess of magic. Your sacred animal is a lioness. You made your husband the god of the dead by bringing him partially back from the dead.

    EPIC AWESOMENESS!! so like, did you read the Red Pyramid series by Rick Riordan? i did. i was going to do a quiz like this one but i forgot all about their characteristics and names and everything!! love this so much! TEN STARS! ;)


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