Which Doodle District character are you? (Revised version)

The Doodle District is a fictional world made by me. The characters are meant to be close approximations to real human personalities that exist in this world.

With that being said, I thought I'd be able to make a quiz to test which Doodle District you are most similar to in personality. You can either be Harold Harmonica, Irving Harmonica, Roseanne Mitchell, Scott Hemley, Imogen Frackenpohl, Paige Hemley, Woody Hemley, or Sandy Sordino.

Created by: DoodleDistrict
  1. Which color sounds most appealing to you, or is closest to your favorite?
  2. Where are you politically?
  3. Which of these is your favorite animal?
  4. How would you describe your sense of humor? What sounds the funniest to you?
  5. How do you feel about debates, whether it be in English class, on the debate team, or in everyday conversation?
  6. What kind of video games appeal to you?
  7. It's Friday night. What are you doing?
  8. Your best friend's significant other cheats on them and your best friend really undone about it. How do you react?
  9. How emotive are you?
  10. It's a busy night at a restaurant, and you're eating out with your friends. The waiter accidentally gives you something other than what you ordered. What do you do?
  11. Which word is most appealing to you, considering the actual sound of the word and its connotation?
  12. What type of music appeals to you the most?
  13. What do you like to watch on TV?
  14. You're driving along, a few minutes behind on your commute to work, when you see an injured dog sitting on the curb. What do you do?
  15. How much do you value kindness in a friend?
  16. What is your favorite type of weather?

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Quiz topic: Which Doodle District character am I? (Revised version)

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