Which Divergent Charecter are you

If you like divergent then this is the quiz for you are you smart kind brave intelligent or honest! have fun with this quiz ( just don't get peter! yes he IS really an option)

Are YOU divergent ?are you peter? are you Tris? are you Four? Are you caleb? are you will ?WHO ARE YOU Find out here and have lots of fun! taking it !

Created by: Bethany Holst
  1. Eric doubts you are going to make it into dauntless what do you do!
  2. Erudite declares war to fight or to run like a sissy!
  3. what faction is your home ( before choosing ceremony)
  4. you get really hurt in training what do you do?
  5. would you jump off a roof to get into your headquaters?
  6. you have a choice stay with your family or go and be in whatever faction you want what do you do?
  7. what trait do you have?
  8. would you get a tatoo?
  9. you hear a scream in the middle of the night what do you do?
  10. your friend commits suicide what do you do?

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