Which disney star are you

if you are really a disney channel super fan you will have no problem picking your choices to be shown as your favorite stars(all girls)your favorite may not be a choice but try it out

You wouldn't believe how much in common you hsave with your favorite stars.Take this quiz to find out.The result may make you the happiest person in the world

Created by: leah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favrite snack
  2. what is your favorite subject
  3. how would you classify you
  4. who do you spend your time with
  5. favrite pet
  6. whats your fav hair color
  7. who is your celeb crush
  8. fav color
  9. fav movie
  10. your fav star

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Quiz topic: Which disney star am I