which Disney charecter are you?

Do you like Disney? Great if you do because this is all about Disney. Are you Lesley, Pinochio, Peter Pan or Snow White? If you aren't one of them, tough because it would take to long to write all of them

Give a guess. Which Disney charecter of those four would you be? (I don't think many people have heard of Lesley) I am eager myself to try my own test and see who I am!

Created by: mjlover
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you get teased at school?
  2. Are you athletic?
  3. Are you creative?
  4. Do you have friends
  5. Just questions for a while- no effects. Do you like Disney?
  6. Will you coment?
  7. So... is this quiz good?
  8. So. Back to the charecter questions
  9. Animated cartoons or acting in reality?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Which Disney charecter am I?