Which Digimon Would You Get ?

Welcome to the digimon " which one would you have quizzz" Take this quizzz and see who your digimon partner is . Good luck and have fun also chose wisely......

Welcome to the digimon " which one would you have quizzz" Take this quizzz and see who your digimon partner is .So witch digimon would you get um um um um take the quiz and fine out please tell your friends now good luck...............

Created by: Donald
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is you fav.. color???
  2. Whitch are you???
  3. Which of these do you like the best???
  4. Whats your fav.. sport???
  5. How would you beat hte digimon Warlord???
  6. Which would you do on your free time????
  7. A Greymon's charging at you what do you do.
  8. Whats 7 x 26????
  9. Are you Tierd of this quiz yet???
  10. If you how to choose a way to anywher which would you take????
  11. Rate This Quizz????

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