Which Demon King is you Boyfriend?

This quiz will be all about which demon king will be you boyfriend. You will be role playing to see what you would do in certain citations and that will affect you score

This is just a repeat of the top. This quiz will be all about which demon king will be you boyfriend. You will be role playing to see what you would do in certain citations and that will affect you score

Created by: Asumay
  1. (Were going to role play for a bit) Your name is Asumay your 17. It was a dark night and your walking out on the street you pass a man and get a cold creepy feeling from him and then you freeze you can't move. "Don't bother you'll be frozen for a while, i'll just take you with me" The man says. But then someone comes and stabs him in the chest he die immediately. What do you do?
  2. You wake up in a room. What does it look like?
  3. A man comes in he says his name is Azazel and he want's you to follow him. What do you do?
  4. You come into a room and there are other men in there they all look dangerous (and hot) what do you do
  5. You ask them what there names are one with purple hair and a candy land vibe says his name is Mephisto Pheles. Another one of them has green hair and finger less gloves. The one named Azazel has white hair and blue lipstick. Lucifer has purple hair and wings with a emo vibe. Now Egyn is half shark. Iblis has Orange, Red hair with red eyes. Beelezbub is half bug and very creepy. Astaroth has white hair and horns. Who do you like the best
  6. What do you do after you see them
  7. You ask them if you can leave but they say no. You ask why. The no named Astaroth says "go ahead we don't need you you'll just be a bother, well go! What do you do
  8. Egyn tell you that you have to stay or else they'll come after you (they as in other demons). You ask why there after you. He says that once they pick a target they wont let them live, and there not sure why it is you. You ask them why they would even care about your life (not that you not great full). Iblis tells you that they don't care about you just that every time they kill there target they get stronger. What is you reaction to all of this?
  9. After dark you they lead you to the room you woke up in. That night you hear something tapping on the window. it keeps going for 10 min and you finally get annoyed so you go to see what is making the noise, but nothing is there. As you are heading back into bed the window opens. You turn around and see a small demon. You don;t think much about it because of it's size but then it attacks you. What do you do.
  10. After you find out that there demon king what is your reaction?

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