Which DDLC girl are you?

Have you ever played DOKI DOKI literature club, or ddlc? If you haven’t, click off this keep the tab open and google it or play it.. it’s so cool. Seriously.

Ok, you’ve either read about or played it by now I hope, sweet. Now scroll down to find out which character you are out of the MC, the girls, and even the cute chibis!

Created by: Monika Da WEEB
  1. In a relationship, you are usually..
  2. Which girl did you write your poems for?
  3. Which girl is best girl?
  4. Which girl is worst girl?
  5. Which type of dere are you? (Sorry, couldn’t include all of them)?
  6. Do you have an anime “Waifu”?
  7. Are you more than one “dere” type?
  8. What type of friends do you have?
  9. Which one would you be most likely to die by?
  10. Whoops! Didn’t realize the script was broken that bad. Which poem from ddlc is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: Which DDLC girl am I?
