Which Cutie Mark Crusader are you?

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Babs receives her cutie mark off-screen in Bloom & Gloom, and Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo receive theirs in Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

Instead of worrying about it alone, they came together to form the ultimate support team: THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS. After a series of trials, the Crusaders successfully acquired their cutie marks and set out to prove their worth. Receiving a cutie mark doesn't mean they're done figuring everything out, of course.

Created by: Rumaisa of What dessert are you?
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  1. What do you like to do?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. Would you like to have a horn, a pair of wings, or nothing?
  4. Who is your favorite?
  5. What is your wish?
  6. What is your favorite cutie mark?
  7. Why do you like Rainbow Dash?
  8. Why do you like Rarity?
  9. Why do you like Applejack?
  10. Are you a...

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Quiz topic: Which Cutie Mark Crusader am I?
