Which caracter from my book r u?

In my book,"Capable of Murder",there are four main characters,Robin the teen whitch,Nerissa the sweet and sassy vampire,Ricken the handsome warlock,and Vlad the tall vampire.

Which character are you.dark and mysterious robin,sweet nerissa,smart ricken,or handsome vlad.sorry for all the mispelled words and every little mistake...but DON'T YOU DARE JUDGE MY BOOK OR MY FREAKED PERSONALITY.

Created by: Kaitlyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your fave animal
  2. fave hair color
  3. fave magical element
  4. fave music type
  5. best quality
  6. mythilogical creacher,Sorry for the spelling mistakes.
  7. fave school subject
  8. favorite kind of book
  9. favorite fashion
  10. fave catch-frase

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