Which Big Bang Member is Yours?

You know about Big Bang, but have you ever wondered wich one would be your boyfriend? You'll never who is, Maybe its T.O.P, or Dae Sung. Find out for yourself.

This quiz will tell you what kind of Big Bang boyrfiend you will have after the test. so just take it! take it

Created by: AJ
  1. What is your favorite song?
  2. Which one do you think would more than likely fall for you?
  3. What is your hobby?
  4. If you were to go shopping for clothes, how much would u like it?
  5. You were asked to go to a costume party, and you dressed as one of the members, which one would you dress as?
  6. What kind of personality do you like in a guy?
  7. What kind of music do you like?
  8. What do you view as a date
  9. What kind of movies do you like?
  10. Very quick. Pick a word! Don't think about it. Just pick
  11. Pick a color

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Quiz topic: Which Big Bang Member is mys?