Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit? | Comments

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  • Got me totally wrong đŸ˜­

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 80%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    80% Russian
    79% Italian
    66% American
    58% African

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  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Italian 87%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    Korean 72%
    American 72%
    African 64%
    OOOH so cool ^^

    • I got italian too! i don't really know how i got it since i'm moroccan, but i'm still happy :D

    • Im morrocan too butbu got italian

    • Same my lips a thick not thin or small

    • I'm Italian and got Italian. my family is typical english-italian-american family

    • slay my last name is Italian

  • Your Result: Korean 92%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    73% Italian
    62% American
    61% Russian
    60% African

    I'm so happy bc I always wanted to be in a Kpop group I have tried so much glow ups to look more Asian (not surgeries like workouts massages and stuff I'm so happy Thx so much my name is Natalie and if you see me in a Kpop group is bc of this quiz

    • We have exactly the same thoughts!

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 97%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    78% Italian
    68% Russian
    66% African
    62% American

    I'm so happy this meant alot to me since I wannabe an kpop idol and this makes me much more confident to pursue my dream ! !! Thnx !!!

    • JYP...I only say that because Stray Kids are from there. I don't like Jyp lol

      Homicidal Maniac
    • Hybe you can meet enha and txt
      Jyp you can meet JyP and sKZ
      Fnc you can meet p1h and sf9

    • I want bighit bc BTS also Im half Italian and half Korean in real life and got Italian and Korean on here

    • Btw I like Hyunjin from Stray kidz he is cute

    • Homocidal Maniac yh but they don't overwork them THAT much. Compared to other conpanies, if I were to become an idol, I'd go there!

  • Your Result: Italian 99%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    79% American
    78% Korean
    77% Russian
    70% African
    pretty much correct :3

  • Your Result: Italian 84%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    83% Korean
    77% African
    68% American
    64% Russian

    Euhmm, I have blonde hair, I'm tall, blue-green eyes, pale

    • Same thats what I got and thats what I am

      zest fets
  • Your Result: Korean 86%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    Italian 80%
    Russian 76%
    American 73%
    African 70%

    How was this actually so accurate, I didn't expect it to get it so accurate with the questions they asked. The only thing that's a little different is I don't have very large eyes, they're more slim oval shaped, not super close to closed but a little less than between really wide and closed.

  • Your Result: Russian 86%

    With pale skin, blonde hair, blue eyes and tall and athletic bodies. You fit the Russian beauty standard, from women like Maria Sharapova to Yanina Studilina you are mysterious, head strong and tale charge of every situation. No wonder why you have that charm and magnetism that no man can resist.

    85% American
    78% Italian
    57% African
    55% Korean

    But I am not thin, tall, or athletic...*sniffle*

    Homicidal Maniac
  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Italian 92%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    89% African
    84% American
    72% Korean
    67% Russian
    It means, I am pretty?

    • Schnheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters.
      Aber du bist auch vor dem Test schn gewesen

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Italian 80%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    79% African
    78% American
    61% Korean
    56% Russian

    No offense but I thought I would be African or American because thats what I am. But the discription fit me well.

    • Your Result: Italian 85%

      You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

      84% American
      65% African
      61% Russian
      42% Korean

      I'm surprised. I believed that I would get American, or if there was a more vague one, European, because that is what I am. I have ancestors in every bloody continent on earth, primarily Europe. I have blue eyes and dirty-blond hair, and I am very pale, except for the natural tan on my arms, shoulders, chest and face.

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 85%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    81% African
    75% Italian
    69% Russian
    66% American

    That's somewhat true, I guess. I do have a few of those features. I am half Korean, so I find it pretty cool that I got this result! Nice quiz.

  • Your Result: Russian 80%

    With pale skin, blonde hair, blue eyes and tall and athletic bodies. You fit the Russian beauty standard, from women like Maria Sharapova to Yanina Studilina you are mysterious, head strong and tale charge of every situation. No wonder why you have that charm and magnetism that no man can resist.

    Abraham Vee
  • Your Result: Italian 90%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    85% Russian
    81% American
    63% African
    63% Korean

    I'm Nigerian so I don't really understand how my actual race was amongst the lowest, although I've been told I looked like a Latina, i never knew why. Nice quiz tho.

  • Your Result: Italian 96%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    So high. Yeah, I do have brown eyes and hair though

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: African 89%

    With dark skin to extreme beauty that made Egypt so beautiful and mysterious. With thick hair and magnetic eyes, you attract everyone you see with a smile. You are beautiful and strong.

    85% American
    82% Italian
    55% Russian
    52% Korean
    very happy with this cause im african ;)

  • Your Result: Italian 90%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    90% Korean
    89% American
    87% African

    73% Russian Very wrong XD, I have no African, Russian, or Korean in me. I am blonde, blue eyes, small eyelashes, big lips, round face. I am American and Swedish.

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Italian
    I have a friend from Italy 90%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    90% American
    81% African
    70% Russian
    56% Korean

  • Your Result: Russian 77%

    With pale skin, blonde hair, blue eyes and tall and athletic bodies. You fit the Russian beauty standard, from women like Maria Sharapova to Yanina Studilina you are mysterious, head strong and tale charge of every situation. No wonder why you have that charm and magnetism that no man can resist.

    73% Italian
    67% Korean
    59% African
    56% American

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Italian 86%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    75% American
    67% Russian
    64% African
    55% Korean

    Not good
  • Your Result: Italian 91%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    85% American
    81% Russian
    74% African
    70% Korean
    Didn't expected that cause I'm russian

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Italian 92%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    92% American
    92% Russian
    76% Korean
    67% African
    cool, i have Italian ancestors

  • Your Result: Russian 88%

    With pale skin, blonde hair, blue eyes and tall and athletic bodies. You fit the Russian beauty standard, from women like Maria Sharapova to Yanina Studilina you are mysterious, head strong and tale charge of every situation. No wonder why you have that charm and magnetism that no man can resist.

    87% Italian
    72% Korean
    69% American
    53% African
    Well yea I mean I'm russian myself

  • Your Result: Italian 91%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    82% American
    79% African
    77% Russian
    65% Korean

    That's something more like me........ It's on point.

  • "Your Result: Italian 90%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is."

    Literally Russian and none of those traits fit... Thanks for calling me beautiful though

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Italian 90%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    86% Korean
    68% Russian
    65% American
    64% African

    • so accurate lmao

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 94%

    You have a v-lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips, and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    93% Italian
    85% American
    70% Russian
    60% African

    Actually pretty accurate. Thanks for that. I can just basically join K/DA now! :)


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